Saturday, September 24, 2011


Remember a while back and I said this was going to be a blog to support one another in good times and rough times. Well here is a rough (physically challenging) time for a great cause that is going to warm your heart and make you want to go take a nice hot bath and thank God you have not been convicted to do such a thing but I hope you feel convicted to support her.
MY SWEET FRIEND LUCI SMITH (pictured in yellow) IS GOING TO WALK A MARATHON!!!! Today was her 22 mile training day and below is her post from Facebook today.....
I feel like I just walked all over Portland. Started out under the Hawthorne Bridge then up to Laurelhurst park, then back down to our aide station under the Hawthorne Bridge. Then across Hawthorne Bridge to Washington Park, up Washington Park then back to down to the Waterfront park and across the Hawthorne Bridge to the aide station. Then back across the Hawthorn Bridge, along the waterfront to Natio then to about the Freemont Brdige and back, across Broadway bridge to the Esplanade and back to the aide station under Hawthorn Bridge. That was almost fun
She is amazing and she is walking for a cause every Daddy's Girl can relate to; the love for her father! Luci lost her father to cancer this year and she felt lead to raise money on his behalf for the Lukemia and Lymphoma Society by walking the Nike Women's Marathon as a member of The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society's (LLS) Team In Training. She has been training up a storm. Her Portland to Coast team came in 6th place and automatically qualified them for the race next year. The love of the Lord that flows from Luci is amazing. She is going to reach this goal and I ask that all of us daughters do our part to help her. First and most importantly please pray for Luci. Pray for her health, her strength, her endurance! Please pray that on the day of the Marathon she will be carried through by the love of her father and his pride in her and the love and strength of her heavenly Father. Please also take time to look at Luci's fundraising blog. Her whole story is there and pictures of her incredible Daddy. If you are able to help her with a donation to her fundraising I am sure she would appreciate that very much. Luci My Friend I am so very proud of you and as a Daddy's girl myself I want to say thank you for trying to save other Daddies through the LLS. I will be think of you and praying for you throughout the Marathon. You will do amazing. GO LUCI!!!